Our committee

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Living & Learning Nillumbik Advisory Committee


Purpose and objectives

The Living & Learning Nillumbik (L&LN) Advisory Committee has been established to provide a mechanism by which community representatives from Eltham, Diamond Creek and Panton Hill can discuss and advise on Learn Local and Neighbourhood House offerings, opportunities and challenges.

The Committee supports the Registered Learn Local and three Living & Learning Hubs in being responsive to the needs of their local communities and providing a range of suitable and appropriate neighbourhood house activities, programs and events to enhance social connectedness and lifelong learning opportunities for participants and volunteers.

The Committee’s objectives are to:

  • Consult with and represent the voice and interests of Nillumbik residents regarding the neighbourhood house programs offered at the Living & Learning Hubs
  • Provide a forum to discuss, facilitate and support local initiatives and collaborations (where possible) that aim to promote lifelong learning and social connection across Nillumbik
  • Act as Ambassadors for L&LN by actively promoting news, events, activities and issues relating to neighbourhood house programs and events
  • Provide input, feedback and advice to Neighbourhood Houses Victoria, the North Eastern Neighbourhood House Network and Council on community needs and community development opportunities
  • Consider and provide advice to Council on its policies, plans and services that impact neighbourhood house activities and Neighbourhood House Coordination Program (NHCP) funding obligations
  • Consider and provide advice on key Government initiatives, programs and reviews
  • Represent the views and needs of Neighbourhood house participants within Nillumbik
  • Assist Council to communicate, consult and engage more effectively with the broader Nillumbik community
  • Strengthen partnerships with residents, community groups and services in Nillumbik
  • Contribute to a cycle of continually assessing and improving Nillumbik’s Neighbourhood houses
  • Respond to and provide input and feedback on proposed strategies, policies or action plans developed by Council and/or L&LN
  • Support the L&LN team to review programs and implement continuous improvement strategies

Meeting frequency

Monthly meetings, which consist of:

  • Bi-monthly daytime meetings. These meetings have a strategic focus with all members present.
  • Bi-monthly House meetings are held on a day determined by the committee members representing the individual houses. These meetings have a community representation focus.

Committee period 

The committee term is two years.


The Committee comprises of the following representatives endorsed by Council:

  • Cr Geoff Paine
  • Deborah Donehue (Panton Hill Neighbourhood House)
  • Sarah Doherty (Diamond Creek Neighbourhood House)
  • Bambi McLean (Diamond Creek Neighbourhood House)
  • Sabi Bueler (Diamond Creek Neighbourhood House)
  • Deanna Finn (Panton Hill Neighbourhood House)
  • Lynne Ellis (Eltham Neighbourhood House)

Expression of Interest 

Nillumbik Shire Council encourages local people to join our Living & Learning Nillumbik (L&LN) Neighbourhood House Advisory Committee for a two-year term.

Our recent Expression of Interest period closed 16 April.  A further Expression of Interest period will open later in 2024. 

To be notified of the next Expression of Interest period please subscribe to our enews.  If you would like further information in the meantime, or are interested in observing a Committee meeting, please reach out to one of our Neighbourhood House Coordinators at info.livinglearning@Nillumbik.vic.gov.au or call 9433 3744.  We are always keen to hear from interested community members and would be very happy to discuss with you further. 

The committee meets on the third Monday afternoon of each month (January and December excluded) to provide a mechanism by which community representatives from Eltham, Diamond Creek and Panton Hill can discuss and advise on Neighbourhood House offerings, opportunities and challenges related to:

  • Social Connection
  • Community Development
  • Lifelong Learning

Detail on the committee objectives, membership, the role of committee members and more is provided here in the Living & Learning Nillumbik Advisory Committee Terms of Reference(PDF, 496KB) (endorsed 22 August 2023).  If you have relevant expertise or experience, a good understanding of local issues that relate to these matters, and a willingness to contribute collaboratively and constructively we encourage you to consider becoming a member of the Living & Learning Nillumbik Advisory Committee.

Please reach out to one of our Neighbourhood House Coordinators at info.livinglearning@Nillumbik.vic.gov.au  or call 9433 3744 if you would like to discuss further.


The Agenda for the next Committee meeting is uploaded one week prior to the meeting date. 

Download the June 2024 Advisory Committee Agenda.(PDF, 247KB)

Minutes from each Committee meeting are confirmed at the next meeting of the Committee. 

Download the June 2024 Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes(PDF, 529KB)